Reviews of The Daily Commentary and Devotional Vol. 1

100 Days through Matthew, Mark and Luke - The Synoptic Gospels
“This commentary is unique.  It is literally, as the title declares,
 a “daily commentary and devotional” on “100 Days through Matthew,
 Mark and Luke.”  It combines the devotional experience of a 33 year
 senior pastor with up-to-date scholarship on the first three Gospels,
 using the historical, cultural, and original biblical context.
It is hermeneutically sound and devotionally uplifting.
I know of nothing comparable to it.  The 100 units encourages consistent,
 organized and effective study that fits within the average college semester,
 to say nothing of the busy pastor or church leader.  The author’s perspective is based in a strong commitment to the inerrant, verbal plenary inspiration of Holy Scripture.  As a founding member and co-author
 of the widely hailed International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI)
 statements on Biblical inerrancy (see,
 I highly recommend this excellent work.”

--Norman L. Geisler,  Ph.D.
Long-time Professor, Author, and Co-founder of
The International Council on biblical Inerrancy

More reviews will be posted soon.
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Available in both Paperback and Kindle ebook from Amazon
Book for review
    In just 100 days Dr. Mark Schwarzbauer will take you on a journey
    through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Each day you will go
    back in time to discover the real meaning behind the Scriptures.
    Then you’ll share a devotional that will take the ancient truth and
    apply it in your life today. 
This is Volume 1 of the unique new series "The Daily Commentary and Devotional." The daily reading design encourages consistent, organized and effective study. You'll want to come back for more everyday.
You've probably heard of skeptics who claim the Bible is full of errors and contradictions. Can you answer just these 4 these purported errors in the Gospels...
1. Matthew 27:9 says “spoken by Jeremiah the prophet” when the quote is actually from Zechariah. Doesn't this prove the Bible has an error?
2. Mark 2:26 records Jesus saying “Abiathar the high priest”, but the account in I Samuel 21:1-6 you find the name Ahimelech. Did Mark record it wrong or did Jesus get it wrong?
3. Matthew and Luke totally contradict each other concerning Jesus’ genealogy. Thomas Paine in the “Age of Reason” comparing the genealogies said “it proves falsehood absolutely.” How do you explain this?
4. Matthew says Bartimaeus was healed “while leaving Jericho”. But Luke contradicts this saying it occurred “coming near Jericho.” Can you explain this difference that some call a “serious error” in the Bible?
If you can't readily answer these discrepancies then you NEED this book. As Dr Mark takes you on your 100 day journey you'll see these and many other seeming discrepancies disappear. You will see how simple the answers are in the historical, cultural and literary contexts of the Bible. And you'll be able to confidently answer the skeptics in your life.
Finally, there are two other factors that make this work different from many other commentaries on the market today. First, instead of being created in a purely academic environment, this series is produced by a pastor serving the same church for over 33 years. The author is immersed in the daily care of people just like you.
The last difference makes all the difference for you. Your author believes in the inerrancy of the original manuscripts and the authority of the Bible as God's Word. You are learning from someone who really believes in God and His Word. You'll experience the difference on your 100 day journey.